Pizza Time!

5:53 PM Mitchie 0 Comments

Homemade Pizza

Everyone loves pizza, it's impossible not to. The only problem is, ordering pizza is a major hassle and it's so unhealthy. The best way to have pizza is to make it homemade, trust me. It's not super healthy or anything but it's a whole lot less greasy than ordering take out. Also, you can make it healthier depending on what you put on it. It's pretty easy to make and can be a bunch of fun. It's a cool activity to do on a girls night, too.

What You'll Need:

  • Dough, whether you make it yourself or get it from the store like I do.
  • Sauce if you want (I don't eat tomatoes so I didn't have any)
  • Cheese, again only if you want it & you can have whatever kind you want.
  • Then any topics you want.
  • Spices (they'll make it 100% better.
  • Melted butter or olive oil
  • Flour
So you'll first want to get flour all over the counter that you're using then get the dough on there and add a bit more flour so it's not wicked sticky. Next you'll roll out the dough into whatever shape you want, and get that onto an oven tray. Now it's toppings time. If you are gonna use melted butter or olive oil, put a little bit around the edge of your pizza, where the crust will be. This makes it a lot crunchier and tastier. Then usually you do sauce, cheese & toppings. I went for some cheese, black olives, and turkey bacon. I was just using up what we had in the fridge. 

Now spices, use whatever you like obviously but I'd say adding a little garlic powder/ salt, onion powder, basil, parsley or anything like that makes the finished product that much better. 

Cook at 425 degrees for about 10-13 minutes, or until the cheese/crust gets nice and golden brown. Let it cool for a few minutes then cut it up and serve. Depending on how you rolled out your dough, you should have enough for a bunch of people. Or, if you're like me and made it just for yourself, it's enough to last for both dinner and breakfast the next morning. Nothing's better for breakfast than leftover pizza!

x Mitchie