Get Those Wheels Turning

7:10 PM Mitchie 0 Comments

I've always been a fan of sudoku, which is odd because I've always hated math. Though, I guess sudoku is more of a mind puzzle/ game than a math equation. Anyway, yesterday (Friday 2/5) I re-downloaded the sudoku app that I used to have on my iPod a year or two ago because I'd somehow got to class an hour early and had nothing to do. From that point on, I rediscovered my obsession for the game.

If you don't know what sudoku is, you should really look into it. It's a great way to pass a little time. If you can't be bothered to look it up (which, I completely understand) here's the basics: each puzzle is a 9-by-9 grid of squares divided into nine 3-by-3 square blocks, which some of the squares filled in. The object is to fill in the blank squares in such a way that each of the numbers 1 to 9 appears exactly once in each row, column, and block.*

It's a lot of fun and really gets the wheels in your brain turning. The app I have on my phone is really great because it'll tell you if you make a mistake so you can do it over, but it also times you and that freaks me out. So, today I happened to be in CVS and saw a sudoku puzzle book and of course had to buy it. So, hopefully this will keep me busy for a while I've only had it for a little while and I'm already 7 puzzles in.

*The breakdown of how it's played was taken from the introduction page in the book in the picture.

x Mitchie