Peanut Butter M&M Balls

10:19 AM Mitchie 0 Comments

Peanut Butter and M&M Balls

On to the recipe... I found this online. I thought it was pretty cool and would make an excellent first food related post! It's super easy to make and inexpensive to get the ingredients. 

What You'll Need:
  • 1/2 cup of melted butter
  • 1 1/2 cups of peanut butter
  • 2 1/2 cups of powdered sugar
  • Chocolate Chips
  • M&Ms

To start this off, you should get an oven tray or really any tray that will fit in your freezer and put a layer of parchment paper on it. Next, put the peanut butter first in your mixing bowl first. Then your melted butter then the powdered sugar. To make melting the butter easier, I cut it up into a bunch of pieces then depending on your microwave it should take about 30 seconds to melt the butter. You'll want to work quickly mixing because the butter can solidify again when it cools down.

Mix the PB, butter and sugar together nice and smooth then add a handful of M&Ms or more if you want. Go ahead and mix that all together. The next bit is a little messy. You're going to have to take bits out and roll them into balls as big or small as you want. Then put the balls on the parchment paper. When you've used all the PB mix stick the tray in the freezer for about 20 minutes. 

Now you have to melt chocolate chips. Pour a bunch into a microwave safe bowl then put it on for 30 seconds, give it a stir then put it on for another 15 or so seconds. If you want to make it a little easier on your self, put a little bit of vegetable oil in with the chocolate ships when you melt them. It will make the melted chocolate a little thinner and creamer and will help you out when it's time to dip.

You'll have to work really quick when dipping the balls in the chocolate because the chocolate will harden up again very quick. When you're all done with that put the tray back in the freezer for a while until they're nice and firm, I'd say at least an hour. 

Hope you all enjoy!

x Mitchie