6:40 PM Mitchie 0 Comments

So, I'm going to start this off by saying it's my first official post on here! So, hopefully I don't mess it up too much!

Anyway, yesterday (2/2/16) I saw my favorite band of all time, Marianas Trench for the fourth time and it was amazing as usual. Not only was the concert it's self fantastic, but the whole day was wicked fun, well other than the fact that I caught a cold so now I'm kind of sick. *Insert sad face emoji here*

I had VIP for the show, which was really cool we had a Q&A thing with the guys then they performed "Say Anything" off of their very first album and they actually did a really great job even though they hadn't played it in a while. We then got our photo with the band then headed back out.

Skipping ahead to the actual show, it was just fantastic. The setlist was perfect. The lights and the production all fit so amazingly. All four of the guys were absolutely stunning. The guitar riffs and the drum beats, everything was so perfect. And boy can Josh Ramsay sing! Holy crap. I think if I were to choose the greatest current male voice I would say Josh, honestly.

Anyway, by the end of the night I had one of Josh's guitar picks that he threw out during "Desperate Measures" as well as a polaroid with each of the guys and a smile that wouldn't leave my face.

It was one of the best days of my life and such a great way to kick off my concert list for this year!

Check out some videos I took: Fallout & This Means War & Skin and Bones

x Mitchie