Songs You Haven't Thought Of In Years

1:09 PM Mitchie 0 Comments

Music Monday

Hello everybody! Today is Monday so I thought I'd share a little post about music, because that's kind of how music Monday goes. Today we're gonna take a little trip to the past and look back at a whole bunch of songs that you know you've been obsessed with at some point in your life. I think everyone's had a slight "alternative phase" in their lives. 

So, here we go with 30 Of Your Favorite Songs That You Haven't Thought Of In Years:

1. "Misery Business" - Paramore

2. "I'm Not Okay (I Promise)" - My Chemical Romance

3. "I Write Sins Not Tragedies" - Panic! At The Disco

4. "Hero/Heroine" - Boys Like Girls

5. "Stacy's Mom" - Fountains Of Wayne

6. "Basket Case" - Green Day

7. "Shake It" - Metro Station

8. "Whoa Oh! (Me vs Everyone)" - Forever The Sickest Kids

9. "Dance Dance" - Fall Out Boy

10. "Thunder" - Boys Like Girls

11. "Lying Is The Most Fun A Girl Can Have Without Taking Her Clothes Off" - Panic!

12. "Helena" - My Chemical Romance

13. "I Miss You" - Blink 182

14. "American Idiot" - Green Day

15. "Miserable At Best" - Mayday Parade

16. "The Anthem" - Good Charlotte

17. "Welcome To The Black Parade" - My Chemical Romance

18. "Move Along" - The All-American Rejects

19. "Sugar, We're Going Down" - Fall Out Boy

20. "Dear Maria, Count Me In" - All Time Low

21. "All The Small Things" - Blink 182

22. "Ocean Avenue" - Yellowcard

23. "Dirty Little Secrets" - The All-American Rejects

24. "Jamie All Over" - Mayday Parade

25. "Teenagers" - My Chemical Romance

26. "Girls & Boys" - Good Charlotte

27. "Jasey Rae" - All Time Low

28. "The Only Exception" - Paramore

29. "Grand Theft Autumn/Where Is Your Boy" - Fall Out Boy

30. "The Great Escape" - Boys Like Girls

Obviously, theres a whole lot more these are just a few of my personal favorites that I still love to this day.

x Mitchie


Pizza Time!

5:53 PM Mitchie 0 Comments

Homemade Pizza

Everyone loves pizza, it's impossible not to. The only problem is, ordering pizza is a major hassle and it's so unhealthy. The best way to have pizza is to make it homemade, trust me. It's not super healthy or anything but it's a whole lot less greasy than ordering take out. Also, you can make it healthier depending on what you put on it. It's pretty easy to make and can be a bunch of fun. It's a cool activity to do on a girls night, too.

What You'll Need:

  • Dough, whether you make it yourself or get it from the store like I do.
  • Sauce if you want (I don't eat tomatoes so I didn't have any)
  • Cheese, again only if you want it & you can have whatever kind you want.
  • Then any topics you want.
  • Spices (they'll make it 100% better.
  • Melted butter or olive oil
  • Flour
So you'll first want to get flour all over the counter that you're using then get the dough on there and add a bit more flour so it's not wicked sticky. Next you'll roll out the dough into whatever shape you want, and get that onto an oven tray. Now it's toppings time. If you are gonna use melted butter or olive oil, put a little bit around the edge of your pizza, where the crust will be. This makes it a lot crunchier and tastier. Then usually you do sauce, cheese & toppings. I went for some cheese, black olives, and turkey bacon. I was just using up what we had in the fridge. 

Now spices, use whatever you like obviously but I'd say adding a little garlic powder/ salt, onion powder, basil, parsley or anything like that makes the finished product that much better. 

Cook at 425 degrees for about 10-13 minutes, or until the cheese/crust gets nice and golden brown. Let it cool for a few minutes then cut it up and serve. Depending on how you rolled out your dough, you should have enough for a bunch of people. Or, if you're like me and made it just for yourself, it's enough to last for both dinner and breakfast the next morning. Nothing's better for breakfast than leftover pizza!

x Mitchie


Peanut Butter M&M Balls

10:19 AM Mitchie 0 Comments

Peanut Butter and M&M Balls

On to the recipe... I found this online. I thought it was pretty cool and would make an excellent first food related post! It's super easy to make and inexpensive to get the ingredients. 

What You'll Need:
  • 1/2 cup of melted butter
  • 1 1/2 cups of peanut butter
  • 2 1/2 cups of powdered sugar
  • Chocolate Chips
  • M&Ms

To start this off, you should get an oven tray or really any tray that will fit in your freezer and put a layer of parchment paper on it. Next, put the peanut butter first in your mixing bowl first. Then your melted butter then the powdered sugar. To make melting the butter easier, I cut it up into a bunch of pieces then depending on your microwave it should take about 30 seconds to melt the butter. You'll want to work quickly mixing because the butter can solidify again when it cools down.

Mix the PB, butter and sugar together nice and smooth then add a handful of M&Ms or more if you want. Go ahead and mix that all together. The next bit is a little messy. You're going to have to take bits out and roll them into balls as big or small as you want. Then put the balls on the parchment paper. When you've used all the PB mix stick the tray in the freezer for about 20 minutes. 

Now you have to melt chocolate chips. Pour a bunch into a microwave safe bowl then put it on for 30 seconds, give it a stir then put it on for another 15 or so seconds. If you want to make it a little easier on your self, put a little bit of vegetable oil in with the chocolate ships when you melt them. It will make the melted chocolate a little thinner and creamer and will help you out when it's time to dip.

You'll have to work really quick when dipping the balls in the chocolate because the chocolate will harden up again very quick. When you're all done with that put the tray back in the freezer for a while until they're nice and firm, I'd say at least an hour. 

Hope you all enjoy!

x Mitchie


January Favorites

7:23 AM Mitchie 0 Comments

I feel like every blogger/ vlogger ever does monthly favorites, so why not give it a try? I know we are already a little over a week into February but I don't really care, so here we go!

Anyone that knows me knows I'm super into music so I'm gonna go ahead and do that little category first!

"Figure Me Out" - The Summer Set

The Summer Set has been one of my favorite bands since like 2009-2010 and this is the first single they've released in a little while and it's absolutely fantastic. It just came out and I've been listening to it every chance I get. I'm in love! The video is also super cool so you should all go check that out. Their newest album "Stories For Monday" comes out April 1st and you can go pre-order it on iTunes here.

They're also going on tour this spring so check that out. Their website is over here.

Troye Sivan

I know he's been putting music out there in the world for a while but I just recently got into his stuff around the time his album "Blue Neighborhood" came out. I've been loving it all this month. My favorite of the album is probably "for him" but I'm also a sucker for "YOUTH" You can find his youtube channel and Vevo.

TV Show(s):
New Girl & Fear: The Walking Dead

Normally, I'd only put one show but this month I started watching New Girl on Netflix and I got all the way through all four seasons and I'm even up to date on the current 5th season thanks to hulu! I watched a lot of this show with my mom and we both loved it so much that we couldn't wait for each other to watch it and ended up watching it on our own.

On the other hand, Fear: The Walking Dead just released the first 6 episodes of it's first season on hulu and I'm so in love. The Walking Dead is one of my favorite shows ever and it's probably in my top 5. So obviously, I'm going to adore the spin off. It's a great look at how the whole zombie apocalypse thing started. Super cool! Can't wait for more.

Binge - Tyler Oakley

Honestly, there are no words to describe how much I adore this book. I love Tyler and he has such an interesting way of telling a story. If you haven't already, I highly recommend giving this book a try. I assure you that you will love it no matter who you are. There's a story in there for everyone.

Random Products and things:

- Swiss Miss K-cups have been an absolute blessing. I don't drink coffee so a quick on-the-go hot chocolate in the morning really helps me get through my day. Without it, I don't know where I'd be especially with my 8:30am class twice a week.

- Neff Beanies, I wear my Neff hats almost everyday. It's cold outside and it's super important to cover your head, it will make the rest of you feel slightly warmer! I've currently got a white one, a gray one, and a pink one. I switch it up a lot and use all of them all the time. Sometimes it's not even cold and I'm just having a weird hair day.

This is my first favorites, so I'm sorry if I'm not all that interesting. We will get there, I promise!

*Both images here were taken from Google!

x Mitchie


Where To Find Me

7:18 PM Mitchie 0 Comments

I've got so many links all over the place and I guess I might as well share them all just in case anyone is interested in what I've got to say. :)

Twitter: @xjustmitchie

Instagram: @xjustmitchie

Tumblr: salvatoree-winchesterr

Photography Facebook:

Photography Tumblr: xjustmitchiephotos

Youtube: MMitchiee

I think that's everything! :)

x Mitchie


Get Those Wheels Turning

7:10 PM Mitchie 0 Comments

I've always been a fan of sudoku, which is odd because I've always hated math. Though, I guess sudoku is more of a mind puzzle/ game than a math equation. Anyway, yesterday (Friday 2/5) I re-downloaded the sudoku app that I used to have on my iPod a year or two ago because I'd somehow got to class an hour early and had nothing to do. From that point on, I rediscovered my obsession for the game.

If you don't know what sudoku is, you should really look into it. It's a great way to pass a little time. If you can't be bothered to look it up (which, I completely understand) here's the basics: each puzzle is a 9-by-9 grid of squares divided into nine 3-by-3 square blocks, which some of the squares filled in. The object is to fill in the blank squares in such a way that each of the numbers 1 to 9 appears exactly once in each row, column, and block.*

It's a lot of fun and really gets the wheels in your brain turning. The app I have on my phone is really great because it'll tell you if you make a mistake so you can do it over, but it also times you and that freaks me out. So, today I happened to be in CVS and saw a sudoku puzzle book and of course had to buy it. So, hopefully this will keep me busy for a while I've only had it for a little while and I'm already 7 puzzles in.

*The breakdown of how it's played was taken from the introduction page in the book in the picture.

x Mitchie


Let It Snow, Let It Snow

10:54 AM Mitchie 0 Comments

Now, obviously it's not snowing everywhere in the world, but over here in New England, it's ridiculous outside. It usually takes me about half an hour to get home from downtown Boston and today, it took me well over an hour. Just trudging down the street to get home took forever and a half.

I really wanted to walk around downtown and take pictures but the snow was still pounding down so it was impossible to even take out my camera without it being covered in snow. I'm going to try to get back out there later and get some nice shots. So hopefully, that'll all work out! 

In other news, because of all the snow, I no longer have to work tonight. So it's time for Netflix & hot chocolate and as much junk food as I can eat.

x Mitchie



6:40 PM Mitchie 0 Comments

So, I'm going to start this off by saying it's my first official post on here! So, hopefully I don't mess it up too much!

Anyway, yesterday (2/2/16) I saw my favorite band of all time, Marianas Trench for the fourth time and it was amazing as usual. Not only was the concert it's self fantastic, but the whole day was wicked fun, well other than the fact that I caught a cold so now I'm kind of sick. *Insert sad face emoji here*

I had VIP for the show, which was really cool we had a Q&A thing with the guys then they performed "Say Anything" off of their very first album and they actually did a really great job even though they hadn't played it in a while. We then got our photo with the band then headed back out.

Skipping ahead to the actual show, it was just fantastic. The setlist was perfect. The lights and the production all fit so amazingly. All four of the guys were absolutely stunning. The guitar riffs and the drum beats, everything was so perfect. And boy can Josh Ramsay sing! Holy crap. I think if I were to choose the greatest current male voice I would say Josh, honestly.

Anyway, by the end of the night I had one of Josh's guitar picks that he threw out during "Desperate Measures" as well as a polaroid with each of the guys and a smile that wouldn't leave my face.

It was one of the best days of my life and such a great way to kick off my concert list for this year!

Check out some videos I took: Fallout & This Means War & Skin and Bones

x Mitchie