Allegiant Movie Review

8:31 AM Mitchie 0 Comments

Movie: The Divergent Series: Allegiant

Book: Allegiant - Veronica Roth

Rating: 6/10

Okay, so first thing’s first, did anyone that worked on the movie actually ever get around to reading the book? Where the hell did that plot come from? I was honestly extremely confused through most of the movie and had no clue what the hell was going on. Which, really sucked because I LOVED the Divergent books (except the ending, but that’s a story for another time). The Insurgent movie was all over the place too and I’m still pretty upset about it, but what are you gonna do?

Overall, I did like the movie because is was super suspenseful and kept me hooked but as someone who actually read the books, I was ultimately disappointed. The books are so good, there’s no need to change the plot that drastically. I understand every movie team has to change bits and pieces to fit the book into a 2 hour film, but changing the whole plot? There’s no point. You just end up pissing off all the book lovers to no end. It’s happening more and more often that the movies go way out sync with the books, it happened with The Maze Runner, Paper Towns & now Divergent. Don’t get me wrong, the first Divergent movie was on point but the second and now the third seem like they’re coming out of nowhere.

Alright, here come the spoilers so if you don’t want to ruin the movie or the book for yourself (STOP NOW). Okay, if you keep reading I’m not responsible for any spoilers.

The Differences:
1. The Fringe
  • When did the Fringe turn into Mars? It’s supposed to be a wasteland, yes but not some crazy space-themed place with toxic rain. I mean, I’m pretty sure there’s trees and stuff, they also don’t get chased by one of Evelyn’s psychotic minions and instead run into some divergents that used to belong to Dauntless before they faked their deaths and ran away.
2. The Divergents
  • Speaking of those Divergents from Dauntless, they’re so central to the plot, what the hell happened to them? George Wu is the DIvergent brother of Tori, who thought he died and there’s a super heartbreaking moment in the book where the Allegiant group have to tell him that his sister died while they were trying to reach the outside. THIS NEVER HAPPENED IN THE MOVIE yet Tori still died and after a few minutes, she was completely forgotten….
3. Peter
  • What the hell happened to him? I have no idea, he’s pretty much completely different in the movie and has no intention of getting anywhere near the memory serum. I admired him so much in the book because he took that memory serum, and even though it broke my heart I knew it was the right thing to do. In the movie he’s just a complete ass 100% of the time. Don’t get me wrong, I adore Miles Teller and think he’s a perfect Peter, I just wish the movie writers and kept closer to the book on at least his character, but who knows, maybe he’ll change in the last movie?
4. Memory Serum
  • It was never actually released on the city…. Um….
5. Tris & Four’s relationship
  • What…. was… that… about…. The movie had them all over each other all the time, yeah they had a mini fight but like in the book they’re always disagreeing and literally the whole group is torn apart, which makes the ending so heartbreaking and unbearable.
6. Chicago
  • I know the city is Chicago, but do the people in the city ever actually find that out? I’m pretty sure Tris & The gang only find out once they’re with the Bureau…? They say Chicago about a thousand times in the movie and it just makes it… awkward? Yeah, awkward.
7. Uriah
  • My absolute favorite character in the entire series & he’s not even in the movies. I mean he has one small scene in Insurgent, but… that doesn’t count, not really. And his character is SO important in Allegiant. AH.

I have 0 hope for the last movie and no clue where they’re going with this, I mean Tris & Four aren’t supposed to head back to the city… I think four does at the very end but Tris never returns. No idea where’re they’re going but if they’re going to change everything else, here’s hopping they change the ending? Maybe…. Maybe not.

Until next time!

*Images from google

x Mitchie


Best of Boston #1

3:08 PM Mitchie 0 Comments

Hey guys! So as you probably know by now, I live in the wonderful city of Boston, Ma. I've lived here for about 10 years, which is pretty much half my life. I love it here and it's my favorite city on the planet. There's so much Boston offers so I thought I'd share with all of you some of my favorite spots. These aren't going to be in any particular order, it just depends on when I can get there and take pictures and all that.

The Boston Harbor

So, to start off I'm taking you all on a little trip to The Boston Harbor. There's lots of little parts that are called "The Harbor" but in my mind it's just any place next to the water where the boats come in. I love the part of the harbor that's by the aquarium and Faneuil Hall. In order to get over to the harbor you walk through Christopher Columbus Park, which is beautiful, especially in the winter because it's all lit up.

There's usually a million people all over this bit but I was there on March 1st, which is a Tuesday and I was there in the middle of the day so there really was no one in site and it was so peaceful and pretty. I loved it. 

Walking along the little boardwalk area is great too, even though it's actually cobblestones and not a legit boardwalk. 

It's all around a cool place to chill out in the sun and get some sea breeze without having to go to a beach. There's plenty of places to get food with Fanueil Hall right there and after your nice little walk, you can go to the aquarium, it's not huge or impressive or anything but it's fun to spend an afternoon hanging out with a ton of penguins.

Hope you enjoy this little series I'm gonna work on & I'll see you in a bit!

x Mitchie


February Favorites

11:22 AM Mitchie 0 Comments

I'm guessing this won't be up till a few days into March, but i'll try to make sure it's not too late!

Alright so let's start it off with music again!

"Bite" - Troye Sivan

We all know I love Troye, but this song has been on repeat all month, I swear. I just love the feel to it completely and it's one of those songs that is AMAZING when you listen to it through your headphones so you should all go do that now. It's on the deluxe version of Blue Neighborhood and you can check out Troye singing it live over here.

Artist/ Album:
Panic! At The Disco - Death Of A Bachelor

Amazing album and amazing band. I've been listening to a lot of Panic! all month, and pretty much always. I'd say Panic! is my 2nd favorite band of all time. I'm pretty sure there's not a single song of their's out there that I don't adore. Death of a Bachelor only recently came out, so if you haven't heard it yet you should definitely go check it out. My favorite is probably "LA Devotee" or "Don't Threaten My With A Good Time"but I love them all. :)

TV Shows:
FULLER HOUSE, DUH. Do I need to say more? No.

(I'm also really digging the new season of The Vampire Diaries and the 3 years forward thing is super cool, just thought i'd let you know.)

No but really, Fuller House was amazing and I hope there's gonna be a season 2 soon.

Glass Sword - Victoria Aveyard

I'm currently in the middle of it but I read every chance I get because it's amazing. It's the sequel to her book Red Queen, which is equally amazing. If you're in to fantasy and crazy worlds go give it a read. I've read books like The Hunger Games, The Lunar Chronicles, Matched, and more crasy fantasy YA books but this one is very unique and I think it's awesome.

You can check out my goodreads page it you ever want to know what i'm reading or what i've read in the past. I don't update constantly but i'll try to work on it. :)


L'Oreal Products:
  • Eyeliner: L'Oreal Paris The Super Slim Eyeliner by Infallible, Black (I looked up the full name but I could be 100% wrong so who knows). Super awesome & waterproof and I wear it constantly.
  • Eyeshadow: L'Oreal Paris Eyeshadow Quad Color Riche (again looked up the full name) all of their little palettes are pretty cool and I love them so yeah
  • Lipstick: L'Oreal Color Riche Lipstick, Sugar Plum (I think, I lost it like 3 or 4 days ago so I suck...) It's one of those nude/ pinkish colors though and I love it and wish I could wear it every day. I'll have to get a new one soon.

Maybelline Pumped Up Colossal Mascara: 

Some super cheap drugstore mascara but still great nonetheless and it's waterproof, which is perfect because it'll go ahead and stay all day long. I'm a big fan of Maybelline's mascaras & I've used them for years but I'm now really loving this one.


Sinful Colors nail polish has been my favorite recently. It's pretty cheap but works really well! I've got about 6 or 7 different colors but I've been using my white and gold polishes and I've currently got the gold polish on my fingernails right now. It's pretty cool and will last a few days but again, it's pretty cheap so it won't stick around forever.


There's these pair of shoes/boots that I've been wearing a bunch this month, even though I've had them for a couple of years I never really wore them all that much. Don't know why but here we are and they're pretty great so I'm recommending every girl should have a pair of little boots like these. You can probably find some at TJMax or someplace like that.

Recently I've become obsessed with wearing headbands and I bought a stack of them from Primark and I love them. They're perfect for a crappy hair day and also it's pretty easy to use them even with a good hair day.

I'm sure there's a million other things I could talk about but that's all I've got for right now. Until next time!

x Mitchie